Heisenberg and Schrodinger are driving together one day






Heisenberg and Schrodinger are driving together one day. Heisenberg is behind the wheel when he sees a cop car is approaching. He dutifully pulls over.

He rolls down the window and the cop asks: “Do you know how fast you were going?” 

Heisenberg says, “No – but I know exactly where I am!!”

The cop replies: “You were going 120 km/hr.”

Heisenberg exclaims “Shit!! Now I don’t know where I am!”




The cop is getting suspicious so he asks Schrodinger to get out of the car. He tells Schrodinger to open the trunk of the car. The cop peers inside, then turns to Schrodinger and says: “Do you know you have a dead cat in your trunk.”

Schrodinger throws his hands in the air and says, “Well I guess that answers that question!”